De. Deal: waiting on the bank to do thier apraisal so we can close and i can take official legal possession. we we’re set to close on sept. 14 but it might get pushed back a few days from waiting on the bank.
there was alitle seller drama, he hadnt returned my calls for a few days. turns out his cell got changed and he finally got back in touch with me.
so far there hasnt been anymore partner issues either. i doubt i’ll be working with him again though. it was very stressful for awhile.
the house is 98% done just a few small things. as soon as i close, then i’ll activly search for a buyer.
been working nights aswell 6PM to 6AM so that threw me off track but im just about used to it now.
as soon as a contract is in place for the DE. deal i’ll take on a new one.
also, im adding a myspace link so if anyone here wants to learn more about me.
all for now.